Six Stage Model Of Recovery For Partners
- Prior to learning partner's behavior is an addiction
- Can last months or more commonly years
- Partners either knew of the behavior or were completely "in the dark" re: illicit sexual behaviors
- If a partner knew of the behaviors, often would minimize, deny, blame themselves or join in the sexual escapades of the addict
- Believe tall tales
- Tolerate, normalize unacceptable behavior from the addict (verbal abuse, dependency, unavailability, mood swings, etc.)
- Self-doubt (second guessing, not trusting gut feelings)
- Seek couples therapy to treat the relationship
- Unmanageability
- Façade of addict has been exposed
- Catalytic event that has caused partner to confront reality of addiction
- Information-seeking at the highest
- Take action/making decisions (e.g. sending to treatment, joining a 12-step group, read literature pertaining to sexual addiction, separation, file for divorce, seek information
- Emotional turmoil
- Feelings and emotions occur as a result of Initial discovery/disclosure of the addiction
- Emotional numbness or avoidance
- Victimization
- Suspicious
- Terror about slips, future
- Feelings of despair
- Anger (hostility, self-righteousness, blame, criticism)
- Ruminating
- Desire accountability/disclosure from addict
- Distrust
- Grieving losses, feelings of depression
- Ambivalence about the relationship
- Increased introspection and focus on the self
- Less focus on the addict's behavior and more on your own
- Introspection
- Decision-making stage about the relationship
- Deeper insight into causes of co-addiction
- Family of origin themes examined and integrated
- Prior losses more fully grieved
- Increased strength and coping skills
- Boundary setting
- Emotional Stability

- Decreased feelings of being victimized by the addiction
- Focus on issues not directly related to the addiction
- Awareness of your role in the dysfunction of the relationship increases
- Acknowledgement of gifts the addiction has brought to your life
Still have questions? Please contact us anytime! We look forward to
hearing from you.
Lee Psychological Services
582 Market Street Suite 708
San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: 415-771-1967
Fax: 415-771-1053